Veterans Affairs Payment Collections
For years, the Veterans Affairs (VA) claim payment process has been backlogged, delaying payments to healthcare providers for services rendered. Providers – from emergency medical physician to hospitals to ambulatory service companies – have experienced extreme difficulty in collecting payments. The inability to collect payments from the VA leaves the provider with two options:
1) Accept a loss on the unpaid bill, or
2) Send the bill directly to the patient – a veteran in need of care
TPG worked closely with the VA and Congress to resolve these disputes by connecting providers to key Congressional and agency contacts and educating them on the issues: lack of process, develop infrastructure necessary to resolve the dispute, and maintain steady communication until the last claim is resolved. TPG cut through the bureaucracy and created the infrastructure necessary to expedite the recovery of these funds, allowing the providers to focus on providing exceptional care to veterans in need.
Through successful efforts, TPG assisted clients in recovering over $8 million in unpaid claims from the VA. During these recovery efforts, we refined a process for resolving the unpaid claims and built the infrastructure to efficiently process future claims. We continue to work closely with providers who have unresolved claims with the VA.